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UL 30

Metallic and Nonmetallic Safety Cans for Flammable and Combustible Liquids / Les bidons de sécurité métalliques et non métalliques pour liquides inflammables et combustibles

UL 47

Semiautomatic Fire Hose Storage Devices

UL 73

Standard for Motor-Operated Appliances

UL 109

Standard for Tube Fittings for Flammable and Combustible Fluids, Refrigeration Service, and Marine Use

UL 153

Standard for Portable Electric Luminaires

UL 174

Standard for Household Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters

UL 207

Refrigerant-Containing Components and Accessories, Nonelectrical

UL 217

Standard for Smoke Alarms

UL 252

Compressed Gas Regulators / Régulateurs de gaz comprimé

UL 252A

Compressed Gas Regulator Accessories / Accessoires de régulateurs de gaz comprimé

UL 268

Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems

UL 283

Standard for Air Fresheners and Deodorizers

UL 346

Standard for Waterflow Indicators for Fire Protective Signaling Systems

UL 385

Standard for Play Pipes for Water Supply Testing in Fire Protection Service

UL 482

Standard for Portable Sun/Heat Lamps

UL 486A- 486B

Wire Connectors

UL 489

Standard for Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures

UL 498B

Receptacles with Integral Switching Means

UL 507

Standard for Electric Fans

UL 508A

Standard for Industrial Control Panels

UL 536

Flexible Metallic Hose / Tuyau flexible métallique

UL 555

Standard for Fire Dampers

UL 583

ANSI/CAN/UL Standard for Electric-Battery-Powered Industrial Trucks / Camions industriels électrique à batterie

UL 634

Standard for Connectors and Switches for Use with Burglar-Alarm Systems

UL 635

Standard for Insulating Bushings

UL 668

Hose Valves for Fire-Protection Service / Vannes de tuyau pour les services de protection contre les incendies

UL 719

Standard for Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cables

UL 723

Standard for Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials

UL 737

Standard for Fireplace Stoves

UL 746B

Standard for Polymeric Materials - Long Term Property Evaluations

UL 746C

Standard for Polymeric Materials - Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations

UL 779

Electrically Conductive Floorings

UL 810

Standard for Capacitors

UL 817

Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords

UL 845

Motor Control Centers

UL 858

Standard for Household Electric Ranges

UL 891

Standard for Switchboards

UL 961

Standard for Electric Hobby and Sports Equipment

UL 962

Household and Commercial Furnishings

UL 985

Standard for Household Fire Warning System Units

UL 1008B

Outline of Investigation for Source Interconnection Switches

UL 1008M

Transfer Switch Equipment, Meter-Mounted / Équipement muni d'un commutateur de transfert automatique, installé dans un socle de compteur

UL 1008S

Standard for Solid-State Transfer Switches

UL 1026

Standard for Electric Household Cooking and Food Serving Appliances

UL 1030

Standard for Sheathed Heating Elements

UL 1067

Standard for Electrically Conductive Equipment and Materials for Use in Flammable Anesthetizing Locations

UL 1248

Standard for Engine-Generator Assemblies for Use in Recreational Vehicles

UL 1387

Outline of Investigation for Flexible Insulated Bus

UL 1395

Transients Test Method / Méthode d'essai des transitoires

UL 1424

Standard for Cables for Power-Limited Fire-Alarm Circuits

UL 1431

Standard for Personal Hygiene and Health Care Appliances

UL 1437

Standard for Electrical Analog Instruments - Panel Board Types

UL 1450

Standard for Motor-Operated Air Compressors, Vacuum Pumps, and Painting Equipment

UL 1484

Standard for Fuel Gas Alarms

UL 1484

Standard for Fuel Gas Alarms

UL 1690

Data-Processing Cable

UL 1699

Standard for Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupters

UL 1740

Standard for Robots and Robotic Equipment

UL 1795

Hydromassage Bathtubs

UL 1805

Laboratory Hoods and Cabinets

UL 1863

Standard for Communications-Circuit Accessories

UL 1951

Electric Plumbing Accessories

UL 2003

Outline of Investigation for LP-Gas Cylinder Assemblies

UL 2162

Commercial and/or Outdoor Wood-Fired Baking Ovens - Refractory Type / Fours de cuisson à bois commerciaux et/ou extérieurs - type réfractaire

UL 2208

Standard for Solvent Distillation Units

UL 2231-1

Standard for Personnel Protection Systems for Electric Vehicle (EV) Supply Circuits; Part 1: General Requirements

UL 2231-2

Standard for Personnel Protection Systems for Electric Vehicle (EV) Supply Circuits: Particular Requirements for Protection Devices for Use in Charging Systems

UL 2252

Adapters for Use with Electric Vehicle Couplers / Adaptateurs de coupleur pour véhicule électrique

UL 2443

Flexible Sprinkler Hose with Fittings for Fire Protection Service / Les tuyaux d'arrosage flexibles avec raccords pour les services de protection contre les incendies

UL 2572


UL 2683

Electric Heating Systems for Floor and Ceiling Installation

UL 2808

ANSI/CAN/UL Energy Monitoring Equipment / ANSI/CAN/UL Équipement de surveillance de l'énergie

UL 2996

Outline of Investigation for In-Ground Boxes

UL 3703

Solar Trackers

UL 3730

Standard for Photovoltaic Junction Boxes

UL 5800

ANSI/CAN/UL Battery Fire Containment Products / Produits de confinement d'incendie de batteries

UL 5840

Electrical Systems of Battery Powered Aviation Ground Support Equipment / Réseaux électriques de matériel de servitude au sol alimenté par batteries pour l'aviation

UL 8800

Horticultural Lighting Equipment And Systems / Équipement et systèmes d'éclairage d'horticulture

UL 9540

Energy Storage Systems and Equipment / Systèmes et équipement de stockage de l'énergie

UL 9540A

Test Method for Evaluating Thermal Runaway Fire Propagation in Battery Energy Storage Systems / Méthode d'essai pour l'évaluation de la propagation du feu par emballement thermique dans les systèmes de stockage d'énergie par batteries

UL 9595

Factory Follow-Up on Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) / Suivi en usine des équipements individuels de flottabilité (EIF)

UL 12402- 5

Personal Flotation Devices - Part 5: Buoyancy Aids (Level 50) - Safety Requirements / Équipements individuels de flottabilité/Vêtements de flottaison individuels - Partie 5 : Aides à la flottabilité (niveau 50) - Exigences de sécurité

UL 15027- 2

Immersion suits - Part 2: Abandonment Suits, Requirements Including Safety / Combinaisons d'immersion - Partie 2 : Combinaisons d'abandon, exigences, y compris la sécurité

UL 15027- 3

Immersion Suits - Part 3: Test Methods / Combinaisons de protection thermique en cas d'immersion - Partie 3 : Méthodes d'essai

UL 60335- 1

Standard for Safety of Household and Similar Appliances, Part 1: General Requirements

UL 60335- 2-40

Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - Safety - Part 2-40: Particular Requirements for Electrical Heat Pumps, Air-Conditioners and Dehumidifiers

UL 60384- 14

Safety Requirements for Fixed Capacitors for Use in Electronic Equipment - Part 14: Sectional Specification: Fixed Capacitors for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression and Connection to the Supply Mains

UL 61058- 2-5

Standard for Switches for Appliances - Part 2-5: Particular Requirements for Change-Over Selectors

UL 61131- 2

Standard for Programmable Controllers - Part 2: Equipment Requirements and Tests

UL 61810- 1

Electromechanical Elementary Relays - Part 1: General Requirements

UL 62841- 2-3

Standard for Electric Motor-Operated Hand- held Tools, Transportable Tools And Lawn And Garden Machinery - Safety - Part 2-3: Particular Requirements For Hand-Held Grinders, Disc-Type Polishers And Disc-Type Sanders

UL 62841- 3-3

Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools, Transportable Tools And Lawn And Garden Machinery - Safety - Part 3-3 Particular Requirements for Transportable Planers and Thicknessers

UL 62841- 3-4

Standard for Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools,Transportable Tools And Lawn And Garden Machinery Safety-Part 3-4 Particular Requirements for Transportable Bench Grinders

UL 62915

Photovoltaic (PV) modules - Type approval, design and safety qualification - Retesting

UL 713002

System Testing Use

UL 713002

System Testing Use

UL 713002

System Testing Use

ULC 30

Metallic and Nonmetallic Safety Cans for Flammable and Combustible Liquids / Les bidons de sécurité métalliques et non métalliques pour liquides inflammables et combustibles

ULC 135

Standard Test Method for the Determination of Combustibility Parameters of Building Materials Using an Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter (Cone Calorimeter)

ULC 252

Compressed Gas Regulators / Régulateurs de gaz comprimé

ULC 252A

Compressed Gas Regulator Accessories / Accessoires de régulateurs de gaz comprimé

ULC 529

Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems / Détecteurs de fumée pour les systèmes d'alarme d'incendie

ULC 531

Standard for Smoke Alarms / Norme sur les avertisseurs de fumée

ULC 561

Standard for Installation and Services for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems / Norme sur l'installation et les services - systèmes et centrales de réception d'alarme incendie

ULC 561

Standard for Installation and Services for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems / Norme sur l'installation et les services - systèmes et centrales de réception d'alarme incendie

ULC 706.1

Standard for Insulating Wood Fibre Boards for Buildings / Norme sur les panneaux isolants en fibre de bois pour bâtiments

ULC 712.2

Standard for Thermal Insulation - Light Density, Open Cell Spray Applied Semi-Rigid Polyurethane Foam - Installation / Norme sur l'isolant thermique en mousse de polyuréthane semi-rigide pulvérisée, de faible densité et à alvéoles ouverts - Installation

ULC 774

Standard Test Method for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Polyurethane Foam / Méthode d'essai normalisée pour la détermination des émissions de composés organiques volatils de la mousse de polyuréthane

ULC 2162

Commercial and/or Outdoor Wood-Fired Baking Ovens - Refractory Type / Fours de cuisson à bois commerciaux et/ou extérieurs - type réfractaire


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Featured Standards

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UL 48
Electrical Signs
Revision Pages

Meters for Flammable and Combustible Liquids and LP-Gas
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UL 155
Tests for Fire Resistance of Vault and File Room Doors
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UL 310
Electrical Quick-Connect Terminals
New Edition

UL 19
Lined Fire Hose and Hose Assemblies
Revision Pages

UL 104
Elevator Door Locking Devices and Door or Gate Closed Detection Means
New Edition

UL 217
Smoke Alarms
Revision Pages

UL 294
Access Control System Units
Revision Pages

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