Red Line
September 01, 2020
UL 150
UL Red Line
Edition 4
Published Date: September 01, 2020
ANSI Approved: August 31, 2020
001500-000000-0000001 Scope
1.1 These requirements cover antenna rotators intended for household and commercial use on supply circuits in accordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70.
1.2 An antenna rotator generally consists of:
a) A mast-mounted (generally outdoors), motorized drive unit that rotates the antenna to the desired receiving azimuth,
b) An indoor-located (usually near television- or radio-receiving equipment) user-operated control unit that delivers operating power and direction signals to the drive unit, and,
c) A length of multiple-conductor Class-2 circuit cable to electrically interconnect the drive unit and the control unit.
Some antenna rotating units may control antenna elevation separately or in addition to azimuth. In some cases, the drive unit may be located indoors.
1.3 The power used to drive the motor of an antenna rotator is derived from a circuit complying with Class 2 limitations in accordance with Article 725 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
1.4 These requirements do not cover systems that use a stationary antenna and change or rotate the receiving pattern by electronic or switching means. Such systems are covered by the Standard for Audio-Video Products and Accessories, UL 1492.