Summary of Topics b0050_13_20190712_sum.htmlSubject 50
Bulletin Dated: July 12, 2019
The following changes in requirements to the Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non-Environmental Considerations, UL 50, are being proposed:
1. Junction and Pull Boxes for Use in Air Handling Spaces
2. Adhesives Used to Secure Observation Windows
3. Add Definitions of Cabinet, Cutout Box, Junction Box, and Pull Box
4. Restrictions on Use of Sheet Metals Screws
5. Junction and Pull Boxes Less Than 100 Cubic Inches
6. Clarification of Annex C for Components
7. Clarification of Closure Opening for Polymeric Materials
8. New Annex E for Adhesives, Enclosures, Non-mechanical Means of Securement
9. Requirements for Encapsulated Enclosures
10. Exemption of Crush and Impact Tests if Using Safety or Wire Mesh Glass in Large Openings