Red Line
October 02, 2018
UL 101
UL Red Line
Edition 6
Published Date: October 02, 2018
Last Revision: October 05, 2023
001010-000000-0000002 Scope
2.1 This sStandard applies to cord- and plug-connected household and similar utilization equipment (see Definitions, Section 3) typically rated 2050 A or less, nominal 50 or 60 Hz, having 3-wire (including equipment grounding conductor) or 2-wire cords, and intended for use on supply circuits not exceeding 300 V to ground.
NOTE: The scope statement in 2.1 does not exclude utilization equipment currently rated higher than 20 A or voltage rated higher than 300 V from referencing this standard.
2.2 This standard does not apply to utilization equipment having a grounded connection made at the factory to the neutral terminal. The values in this standard do not provide protection against the minute currents which could cause ventricular fibrillation if applied directly to the heart, as via a heart catheter.
Summary of Topics s0101_6_sum.htmlSUMMARY OF TOPICS
This revision of ANSI/UL 101 includes the following:
Revision To Paragraph 5.3.3 To Align With UL 101 Formal Interpretation
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