Summary of Topics s1082_6_sum.htmlSUMMARY OF TOPICS
The revisions to ANSI/UL 1082 are being issued to: Add Transient Voltage Testing, New 5.1.14, 5.1.15, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 47.4, 47.4.1, 47.5, 47.5.1 - 47.5.6; Revise and Renumber the Hospitality-Use Supplement, Supplement SB; Add Insertion/Withdrawal Test for Electric Kettles, New 5.1.13 and Section 51A; Revise the Instruction Manual to Add SA24.1.1; Revise Title of Section 48; Add Reference to UL 4200A in New 26.10; Deleted 20.4(b) and Revised 54.8 to Address Editorial Maintenance of the Standard.