1.1 These requirements cover manual signaling boxes for fire alarm systems intended for permanent installation and used in ordinary locations in accordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, and the National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72.
1.2 A manual signaling box is an assembly of a mechanism having electrical contacts designed to transmit a signal when an integral part is operated manually. The signaling contacts are intended to be connected to circuits of fire alarm systems. The types of boxes covered by these requirements are coded boxes and non-coded boxes, including signaling boxes, fire and guard's tour reporting stations, and guard's tour reporting stations for suppressed-signal tour combinations.
1.3 A manual signaling box having a pre-wound signaling mechanism and equipped with a tripping electromagnet to permit automatic actuation by separate detectors, and similar combination devices, shall be evaluated with regard to compliance with the applicable requirements for both manual signaling boxes and electrically-actuated transmitters.
1.4 A manual signaling box shall be constructed for use with system-control units, electrically-actuated transmitters, or similar units that will permit its application in compliance with applicable codes and standards of the National Fire Protection Association.
1.5 These requirements do not cover electrically-actuated transmitters.
This revision of ANSI/UL 38 dated November 22, 2024 includes replacing withdrawn reference ANSI/ISA MC96.1 with ASTM E230/E230M; 20.9
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